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Products Reseller For WHMCS - V1.8.0 NULLED

Version: 1.8.0 NULLED

Item cover for download Products Reseller For WHMCS


The brilliance behind Products Reseller For WHMCS lies in its capability to equip your WHMCS with a full toolkit for reselling your products, tracking income and handily managing your reseller groups. The module also features its own API aimed at allowing your resellers to offer products within any other chosen platform.

As a provider, once you configure the main product in WHMCS and create your own integration module to be installed by resellers in their systems, you will possess the ultimate freedom of handling all details of your reseller network, and setting up different pricing rates for each group individually. With equal ease, you will access valuable graphs and billing summaries on income generated from reselling your products, change their time scope, and even single out the products you are interested in.

Your resellers will effectively oversee all key information on orders placed by acquired clients who, at the same time, will be empowered to carry out remote actions on obtained products. What qualifies for a special mention is the wide-scale integration of Products Reseller For WHMCS with other modules. When connected with Proxmox VE VPS For WHMCS, end clients will be able to perform additional operations on their Proxmox instances from within the account management panel. Moreover, the choice of resold products can be extended further with SSL certificates through the combination with GoGetSSL For WHMCS. Thanks to EasyDCIM Dedicated Servers For WHMCS your resellers’ offers will be enriched with EasyDCIM-powered servers. As yet another bonus, end clients will be invited to buy the OpenStack resource packs by means of the connection with OpenStack Projects For WHMCS.

Products Reseller For WHMCS is just the power boost your company needs to overtake the competition in a great style. Go for the module today if you aspire to expand the circle of satisfied audience, and let your products be marketed with fierce efficiency, global scale and unrivaled comfort!

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M14092007 2 years ago

Good module
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This list only shows little history changelog. See the full changelog of this item --> FULL CHANGELOG.
18 Sep 2023 - Version 1.8.0 NULLED
  • WHMCS V8.8 support
  • Dedicated integration with EasyDCIM Dedicated Servers For WHMCS 2.2.0 version and later
  • Implemented language overrides support, enabling the utilization of customized translations
  • Support for WHMCS V8.5 and previous
  • Resolved problem with the GoGetSSL For WHMCS synchronization when using SSL connection and PHP 8.1 - case #387
  • Eliminated issue that might have caused problems with loading the "Reseller Area" on certain configurations - case #388
  • Fixed case where the "Start", "Stop" and "Reboot" actions might not be functional with the Proxmox VE VPS For WHMCS integration - case #391
  • Solved problem where a product with the first payment pricing set to "0.00" could not be provisioned if the reseller did not have any credits in their credit balance - case #389
  • Other minor code corrections and UI adjustments
05 May 2023 - Version 1.7.0 NULLED
  • Server can now be reinstalled using OS templates and ISO images with Proxmox VE VPS For WHMCS module integration - case #343
  • Added "noVNC", "Xterm.js" and "Spice" console types support for Proxmox VE VPS For WHMCS module integration - case #370
  • Minor code refactoring and other corrections
28 Feb 2023 - Version 1.6.0 NULLED
  • WHMCS V8.6 and V8.7 support
  • Support for PHP 8.1 version
  • Provisioning module support - allow clients to automatically become resellers within a specific group by ordering a dedicated product - case #371
  • Create a list of suspension reasons, if any has been used in the provider's WHMCS, the unsuspend action on the reseller's store will be blocked - case #277
  • Added single sign-on (SSO) support for DirectAdmin products - case #346
  • Requires ionCube Loader V12 or later
  • Support for WHMCS V8.3 and previous
  • Support for PHP 7.3 version
  • Fixed issue that occurred when generating configurable options with a bracket sign in the option name - case #348
  • Resolved problems with correct loading of the module settings caused by hidden JavaScript files - case #354
  • Corrected "Cannot redeclare getadminpermsarray()" error that could occur on certain WHMCS instances - case #368
  • Eliminated numerous errors generated into "tblerrorlog" database table
  • Other minor coded corrections
28 Nov 2022 - Version 1.5.1 NULLED


Released: Jun 20th, 2022
  • WHMCS V8.5 support
  • Support for WHMCS V8.1 and previous
  • Assorted corrections related to SSL domain certificate synchronizations - case #322
  • Fixed problem with injecting hooks if there was a dot in the module name - case #326
  • Minor compatibility corrections with Lagom Client Theme 2.1.x - case #326
  • Eliminated problem that might have caused the "The csrf tokens do not match!!" error when trying to execute the module actions with "Softaculous Virtualizor" integration - case #329
  • Fixed case where the wrong order could be canceled if an exception occurred when another order was placed at the same time - case #333
  • Added missing information about configurable options to the API models documentation - case #339
  • Other minor code corrections and improvements
28 Nov 2022 - Version 1.5.0 NULLED


Released: Feb 2nd, 2022
  • WHMCS V8.4 support
  • Dedicated integration with the WHMCS "Licensing Addon" module
  • Added option to choose which of the success module actions will be omitted in the module logs to make them more clear
  • Reseller can now select the billing cycle which will be used to bill products ordered in the provider's WHMCS, so the reseller's product billing cycle may now differ from the provider's one
  • The integration modules will now use the same framework with better UI for product configuration as the main addon module
  • Test connection with provider's API can now be performed by the reseller when configuring the integration module
  • The way of setting up new ingratiation packages - reseller will now need to set up WHMCS "Server" and "Server Group" to establish API connection first instead of providing all credentials in the product "Module Settings" (note: this is required for the newly generated integration modules only)
  • After the product upgrade, the new recurring price will be now properly taken based on the module pricing settings instead of the WHMCS settings - case #282
  • Eliminated "Cannot redeclare getadminpermsarray()" PHP error that occurred when the WHMCS POP and PIPE crons were used - case #218
  • Fixed problems with product upgrade that had shared configurable options assigned - case #273
  • "Server/VPS" product type will now properly return service hostname and nameservers prefixes - case #299
  • Other code corrections, language and UI adjustments related to supported module integrations
Note for Buyer
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Read before purchase
  • Please check the version we provided before purchasing. Because it may not be the latest version of the author.
  • Before making a purchase, please read the Terms and Conditions & Refund Policy.
  • If you have any questions, please first read the FAQ.
  • If you haven’t found the answer to your question, please contact us, we will response asap.
  • You can download the product after purchase by a direct link on your Downloads sections.
  • Please note that any digital products presented on the website do not contain malicious code, viruses or advertising. We buy the original files from the developers.
Updates :
  • We offer redownload or download new update for 6 months from the date of purchase, but that doesn't mean we will have updates every version because not every developer release we have right away. After this period, you have to purchase the item again to receive further updates.
  • About update support is optional and it is not required by policy. We do not support customer-requested updates because some of the products we cannot update or update are very slow.
  • We send regular emails advising when products have been updated so please be sure to provide an active email address when you sign up.
Support :
  • Our support team is available 24/7, if you have any question or need help in installing or configuring digital products purchased on the website, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
  • Please note that we are not developers of the provided products, so our technical support capabilities are limited. We do not change product functionality and do not fix developer bugs.
  • We do not support version compatibility issues or errors due to insufficient support by the customer's server.
  • We only support installation with used servers ( cpanel, directadmin ) and send us full hosting information.
  • For more information please read FAQ & About Us.
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Created 28-11-2020
Updated 03-03-2024
Category WHMCS Addon
Theme Type NULLED
File size 15.10 MB
Comments 0
Views 7286
Sales 25
Downloaded 67