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Log Update Item Expense Tracker For WHMCS
This page only show history update item Expense Tracker For WHMCS.
  • WHMCS V8.8 support
  • Create custom fields to include additional data for vendor details
  • Specify starting and ending dates for recurring expenses, defining their applicability timeframes
  • Option to add a payment with an assigned transaction number during the expense creation process
  • Option to select the "Every Last Day Of Month" frequency for recurring expenses
  • Possibility to provide and display the vendor phone number among other details
  • Assign a recurring expense while adding a new payment
  • Filter single reports by vendors and categories
  • Implemented language overrides support, enabling the utilization of customized translations
  • Support for WHMCS V8.5 and previous
  • Added missing validation for custom range period when filtering a report
  • Assorted corrections related to sorting for displayed dates and amounts in specific tables
  • Other minor code corrections, language and UI adjustments
  • Adjusted display of the zero amounts
  • Income will be counted based on "tblinvoices.datepaid" database table instead of "" - case #66
  • Corrected display of the date ordinal numbers for recurring expense periods
Product Added to the system.