Added option to configure the "Timeout" setting for the PowerDNS V4 server
Default DNS record set will be now properly selected when adding a new DNS zone - case #507
Solved problem with disappearing tasks and errors during list fetching when importing zones - case #510
Eliminated unresolved merge conflicts and duplicated lines in Google vendor files - case #509
Resolved issue with duplicated zone names when both the "Zones Single Table View" and "Show Product Name" options were enabled - case #508
Corrected invalid DNS zone domain URLs when using the "Zones Single Table View" option - case #519
Adjusted display of related service IP addresses when adding a new DNS zone - case #528
Eliminated "ArithmeticError: Bit shift by negative number" that could occur when the DNS Manager button was enabled and the IPv6 address with the mask was assigned to the service - case #526
Updated composer dependencies that required PHP above the 8.0.2 version - case #530
DNS "TXT" records above 250 characters will be now properly displayed from the cPanel server - case #520
Corrected connection to CentralNic Reseller (formerly RRPproxy) server when using PHP 8.1 - case #517
Use cron "TaskCleaner --clean" parameter to remove the already completed tasks - case #364
Implemented language overrides support, enabling the utilization of customized translations
Error logs for the cron migrator will now contain details about the action failure - case #437
The extended information will be now displayed when the "Unable to find item with ID" error occurs - case #429
Search for clients by their ID when adding a DNS zone from the admin area - case #498
Support for WHMCS V8.5 and previous
Solved problem where displaying the Add New DNS Zone window took too much time on WHMCS instances with a large client base - case #426
Fixed problem with importing a list of DNS zones from DynECT server integration - case #428
It is now possible to set package DNS records limits with zero ("0") and unlimited ("-1") values through the new addon module - case #430, #458
Corrected test connection to OVH and cPanel servers - case #396, #487
Adjusted notification sending for cron cleaner if fewer execution zones were processed daily than set in its settings - case #432
Fixed problem where after deleting the slave DNS zone, the IP address of the primary nameserver was not removed form database - case #435
Corrected certain problems with listing DNS zones from the Openprovider server - case #444
Eliminated "TypeError" that could occur when using the "GetZone" API request with PHP 8.1 version - case #451
Resolved problem with "Data can't be empty error" when adding a DNS zone to DigitalOcean server if no default IP address was provided - case #452
Fixed "Duplicate entry" SQL error occurring when saving the package configuration with total records limit set to zero - case #457
Solved specific issues with adding default PTR records for PowerDNS V4, AWS Route 53 and Storm On Demand servers - case #461
Eliminated "TypeError" that could occur on the previous addon module when trying to access the settings - case #464
Resolved case that could prevent creating a DNS zone with the provided IP address on the single table view in the client area - case #459
Selecting the "other" group for the related item when adding a DNS zone should no longer cause "TypeError" for specified "Other Item Options" in the global settings - case #467
Solved problem where IPv6 addresses assigned to the product were not displayed when trying to add a PTR record and a DNS zone - case #486
The "SOA" records will now be correctly omitted when migrating a zone to the the new DNS server - case #483
Migration DNS zone to the new server, where that zone already exists, will be now block to avoid conflicts - case #479
Corrected relation fixing for "connected_with_relid" and "connected_with_type" fields when using the "linkedZonesFixer" cron command - case #241
Other minor code corrections, language and UI adjustments
Support for creating slave zones that automatically synchronize with remote DNS master servers via the AXFR protocol - case #381
Added support for the "DS" record type of the Simple DNS Plus V8 server - case #352
Uppercase letters used in DNS zone names will be now automatically converted to lowercase
Fixed problem with displaying the IP address field on the Add DNS Zone form when that is not required by the server - case #408
Resolved fatal error when the assigned to the hosting IP addresses were separated with a comma instead of the newline character in the database - case #391
Added missing text in the error notice which appears when the created SRV record type does not pass the validation - case #389
Resolved "Unable to parse response" error that appeared when trying to create the TXT record type of the DNS Made Easy server - case #390
Prevented "TypeError: in_array(): Argument #2 ($haystack) must be of type array" error that could occur when trying to edit packages via the V2 addon module - case #397
Fixed conflict that could cause the cron job of the Domain Orders Extended for WHMCS module to break when using PHP 8.1 - case #400
Adjusted validation of the allowed record types that could prevent the package data migration, specifically servers and records, from the V2 addon module - case #403
Corrected validation of the "Serial" field that can now be omitted when adding the SOA record type - case #406
Other code corrections, language and UI adjustments