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Log Update Item DNS Manager For WHMCS
This page only show history update item DNS Manager For WHMCS.
  • WHMCS V8.9 support
  • Added option to configure the "Timeout" setting for the PowerDNS V4 server
  • Default DNS record set will be now properly selected when adding a new DNS zone - case #507
  • Solved problem with disappearing tasks and errors during list fetching when importing zones - case #510
  • Eliminated unresolved merge conflicts and duplicated lines in Google vendor files - case #509
  • Resolved issue with duplicated zone names when both the "Zones Single Table View" and "Show Product Name" options were enabled - case #508
  • Corrected invalid DNS zone domain URLs when using the "Zones Single Table View" option - case #519
  • Adjusted display of related service IP addresses when adding a new DNS zone - case #528
  • Eliminated "ArithmeticError: Bit shift by negative number" that could occur when the DNS Manager button was enabled and the IPv6 address with the mask was assigned to the service - case #526
  • Updated composer dependencies that required PHP above the 8.0.2 version - case #530
  • DNS "TXT" records above 250 characters will be now properly displayed from the cPanel server - case #520
  • Corrected connection to CentralNic Reseller (formerly RRPproxy) server when using PHP 8.1 - case #517
  • Other minor code corrections
  • WHMCS V8.8 support
  • Use cron "TaskCleaner --clean" parameter to remove the already completed tasks - case #364 
  • Implemented language overrides support, enabling the utilization of customized translations
  • Error logs for the cron migrator will now contain details about the action failure - case #437
  • The extended information will be now displayed when the "Unable to find item with ID" error occurs - case #429
  • Search for clients by their ID when adding a DNS zone from the admin area - case #498
  • Support for WHMCS V8.5 and previous
  • Solved problem where displaying the Add New DNS Zone window took too much time on WHMCS instances with a large client base - case #426
  • Fixed problem with importing a list of DNS zones from DynECT server integration - case #428
  • It is now possible to set package DNS records limits with zero ("0") and unlimited ("-1") values through the new addon module - case #430, #458
  • Corrected test connection to OVH and cPanel servers - case #396, #487
  • Adjusted notification sending for cron cleaner if fewer execution zones were processed daily than set in its settings - case #432
  • Fixed problem where after deleting the slave DNS zone, the IP address of the primary nameserver was not removed form database - case #435
  • Corrected certain problems with listing DNS zones from the Openprovider server - case #444
  • Eliminated "TypeError" that could occur when using the "GetZone" API request with PHP 8.1 version - case #451
  • Resolved problem with "Data can't be empty error" when adding a DNS zone to DigitalOcean server if no default IP address was provided - case #452
  • Fixed "Duplicate entry" SQL error occurring when saving the package configuration with total records limit set to zero - case #457
  • Solved specific issues with adding default PTR records for PowerDNS V4, AWS Route 53 and Storm On Demand servers - case #461
  • Eliminated "TypeError" that could occur on the previous addon module when trying to access the settings - case #464
  • Resolved case that could prevent creating a DNS zone with the provided IP address on the single table view in the client area - case #459
  • Selecting the "other" group for the related item when adding a DNS zone should no longer cause "TypeError" for specified "Other Item Options" in the global settings - case #467
  • Solved problem where IPv6 addresses assigned to the product were not displayed when trying to add a PTR record and a DNS zone - case #486
  • The "SOA" records will now be correctly omitted when migrating a zone to the the new DNS server - case #483
  • Migration DNS zone to the new server, where that zone already exists, will be now block to avoid conflicts - case #479
  • Corrected relation fixing for "connected_with_relid" and "connected_with_type" fields when using the "linkedZonesFixer" cron command - case #241
  • Other minor code corrections, language and UI adjustments


Released: Apr 13th, 2023
  • Support for creating slave zones that automatically synchronize with remote DNS master servers via the AXFR protocol - case #381
  • Added support for the "DS" record type of the Simple DNS Plus V8 server - case #352
  • Uppercase letters used in DNS zone names will be now automatically converted to lowercase
  • Fixed problem with displaying the IP address field on the Add DNS Zone form when that is not required by the server - case #408
  • Resolved fatal error when the assigned to the hosting IP addresses were separated with a comma instead of the newline character in the database - case #391
  • Added missing text in the error notice which appears when the created SRV record type does not pass the validation - case #389
  • Resolved "Unable to parse response" error that appeared when trying to create the TXT record type of the DNS Made Easy server - case #390
  • Prevented "TypeError: in_array(): Argument #2 ($haystack) must be of type array" error that could occur when trying to edit packages via the V2 addon module - case #397
  • Fixed conflict that could cause the cron job of the Domain Orders Extended for WHMCS module to break when using PHP 8.1 - case #400
  • Adjusted validation of the allowed record types that could prevent the package data migration, specifically servers and records, from the V2 addon module - case #403
  • Corrected validation of the "Serial" field that can now be omitted when adding the SOA record type - case #406
  • Other code corrections, language and UI adjustments
  • WHMCS V8.7 support
  • Added characters validation during the DNS zone names creation - case #196
  • Support for WHMCS V8.3 and previous
  • Support for PHP 7.3 version
  • Resolved various compatibility issues with PHP 8.1 - case #353, #351
  • Eliminated array errors that could occur when trying to create a new DNS zone - case #337
  • TTL, NS, and SOA record values will now be correctly set with the PowerDNS server - case #343, #385
  • Fixed task issue that could cause problems with updating the statuses of zones - case #362
  • Resolved problems with the synchronization of zones that contained IDN domains - case #361
  • "DS" record type should now be supported properly for the Simple DNS Plus V8 server - case #352
  • Domains with uppercase names will now be correctly listed by the module - case #349
  • Eliminated situations when the "Remove Zone" button remained inactive in the client area - case #340
  • Fixed "You cannot use this IP address" error that could occur when adding a zone even if the specified IP address should not be blocked - case #339
  • Eliminated "Unexpected Error" that occurred when the module's "Settings" were not saved after the module initial activation - case #334
  • "Zone Altered Notification" will be now sent properly to clients after creating, updating, or deleting records - case #328
  • Fixed cases when the PowerDNS V4 zones were created without any records defined in the records set in the admin area - case #327
  • The "Manage DNS" button will not disappear after changing the domain nameservers - case #347
  • The AWS Route 53 server zone name will no longer be imported with a dot sign at the end of its name - case #383
  • The "DNS Zone Name" field input will be now displayed if the "Other Item Options" in the addon is configured to allow custom domains - case #346
  • Fixed issue with setting up invalid zone type when the "Allow Update Of Existing Zone" option was enabled - use "linkedZonesFixer" argument for cron command if you were affected by this problem - case #241
  • Other code corrections and improvements