Notices regarding failures to send emails for a brand will now be added to WHMCS system activity log - case #1155
Requires ionCube Loader V13 or later
If the "email_preferences" option is set to "NULL" in the database, the module will now treat it as if all email notifications are enabled, rather than disabled - case #1137
Support for WHMCS V8.7 and previous
Bug Fix
Eliminated "Division by zero" exception error occurring during "Upgrade/Downgrade" with "Days Left on Current Cycle" was already at "0" and the "Price Override" option enabled in the module's settings - case #1135
Resolved conflict with Payment Gateway Charges For WHMCS that could cause empty invoices to be generated when invoice items were split into brands - case #1138
Fixed problem that could cause client logouts on redirection to payment gateways for order completion when a large number of services were assigned to a brand offer - case #1140
Eliminated critical error when accessing the relations of knowledge articles when at least one of the articles had "Tags" assigned and PHP 8.1 was being used - case #1142
Fixed the "Could not load any product groups" error that could occur when ordering a new service after branding was enabled, price override disabled, and the content in the "Multibrand_Pricing" database table was not yet generated - case #1154
Solved problem where the default brand language was not properly set after the first client area access - case #1157
Resolved assorted issues with payments using the "Stripe Elements" gateway - case #1111
Address problems that could occur when using the "Manage Nameservers", "Edit Contact Information", "Renew Domains", and "More..." shortcut buttons in the client area domain list view - case #1160
Solved the "Instance is not set" error occurring when a client tried to log in to a brand to which they were not assigned - case #1116
Module will no longer send "Invoice Emails" notifications if that option is disabled in the client's profile - case #1119
Fixed "Something went wrong" error that could occur when trying to transfer the domain or reset the password on PHP 8.1 server - case #1113, #1115
Eliminated several errors generated into the "tblerrorlog" database table when viewing active products/services in the client area - case #1118
Solved case that could cause the "TypeError: in_array()" error when selecting a department for ticket submission - case #1126
Resolved issue where "Brands" information might not be loaded in both admin and client areas - case #1121
Fixed case where an exception error could occur when trying to respond to a branded ticket from the admin area to the guest client - case #1110
Solved problem with the "Call to a member function getBrand()" error that could occur during the "Email Campaigns" cron job - case #1114
Resolved issue that could prevent displaying brand labels on the list of products/services in the admin area - case #1123
Eliminated "Smarty Compiler: Syntax error" occurring when using "Invoice Selected Items" from the list of products/services in the admin area - case #1123
The "Password Reset Validation" email message will now be sent properly - case #1129
Fixed case that might have caused the "Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array (...)" error after adding any domains into the cart - case #1102
Eliminated "The results could not be loaded" error that could occur when trying to add the SecurePay payment gateway to a brand - case #1103
Solved "Exception: Item type product (...) does not exist" error that could occur for some customers immediately after activating the addon module - case #1104
Resolved issue with empty "Brands" columns in WHMCS admin area pages if its domain contained the "services" phrase and the admin access panel path was customized - case #1107
Support for branded PayPal Checkout payment gateway integration - case #1095
Solved problem with the payment cards added by clients, before the module activation, that were not accessible from the client area - case #1084, #1085
Corrected wrongly displayed referral link for affiliates in the client area - case #1072
Resolved issue with email notifications for ticket escalations that were always included in the first ticket reply - case #940
The "Invoice Payment Confirmation" email will now be properly branded for the Stripe SEPA payment callback - case #1064
Fixed the "Call to a member function validateGateways() on null" error that might appear when a guest client tried to place an order - case #1098, #1099
Corrected display of the TLDs pricing, which may have caused some domain prices to be missing - case #1099
Assorted adjustments related to the "Lagom WHMCS Client Theme" support
Fixed cases when added payment cards might not have been visible in the client area - case #1059, #1084
Resolved problem that might have caused issues with adding new users - case #996
Eliminated "TypeError: array_key_exists()" error that might have occurred when trying to send an email without any email templates enabled for the brand - case #1082
Corrected email branding for sending the "New Message" from the client summary - case #930
Assorted corrections related to the Stripe payment gateway support
When creating a quote for a new client, the assigned brand will be correctly saved - case #1083
Switching client when adding a new order from the admin area will no longer cause the brand dropdown to be multiplied
Eliminated number of entries generated into the "tblerrorlog" database table
Certain code improvements related to PHP 8.1 support