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Log Update Item Hetzner VPS For WHMCS
This page only show history update item Hetzner VPS For WHMCS.
  • WHMCS V8.9 support
  • Option to enable "Rescue Mode" directly from both the client and admin areas
  • Option to perform a "Soft Reboot" of the server from both the client and admin areas
  • Option to manually create backups on demand from the client and admin areas - case #107, #285
  • View the "Tasks History" with details on performed actions, their status, and dates of completion from the server activity section
  • Select the "Filesystem for Additional Volume Size" for server configuration and configurable options
  • Enable "Power Off VM Before Upgrade" to prevent potential crashes and errors during the VM upgrade process - case #317
  • Enable "Static VM Domain Name" to prevent automatic changes of VM hostname by Hetzner - case #326
  • "Reverse DNS Template" now includes support for Floating IP Addresses
  • Server "Type" options for product configuration will now be displayed based on the selected "Location" - case #209
  • The server "Location" can now be displayed in the server information section in the client area
  • Added option to delete backups in bulk from the client area
  • Added option to select "None" for the action on service suspension - case #330, #345
  • The list of available machine types for configuration now includes their locations and prices from Hetzner
  • The list of available images for rebuilding now includes information about their supported architecture (x86 / ARM) - case #348
  • The lists of available images for selection are now sorted alphabetically
  • Updated API endpoints to be compliant with the October 2023 announcement regarding the withdrawal of previously used endpoints - case #331
  • Implemented language overrides support, enabling the utilization of customized translations
  • Renamed the configuration field "Number of Floating Addresses" to "Number of Floating IPv4 Addresses" - case #343
  • Outgoing bandwidth usage now uses "GB" units instead of "MB" - case #327
  • Support for WHMCS V8.5 and previous
  • Solved  issue related to encoding certain special characters in snapshot descriptions
  • Fixed problem with enabling backups through configurable options - case #225
  • Corrected notification when trying to create a firewall with a name that is already in use - case #287
  • Eliminated problem of displaying duplicated ISO images
  • Adjusted field validation notices for network creation
  • Solved issue with translating "Server Information" fields into another language - case #301
  • Restored possibility to display "Data Center" information in the "Server Information" section within the client area - case #323
  • Resolved exception error that could occur due to conflicts with the WHMCS "LazyCollection" class - case #273
  • Solved issue with saving a large number of available ISO images in product configuration - case #325
  • Fixed case where outgoing bandwidth traffic was incorrectly presented as incoming - case #327
  • Eliminated "TypeError" that could occur when trying to use WHMCS "Sync Accounts" on a PHP 8.1 server - case #334
  • Fixed "502 error" that could occur when saving changes in product configuration - case #333
  • Other minor code corrections, UI and language adjustments


Released: Apr 6th, 2023
  • Corrected displaying of IPv6 address for reverse DNS - case #315
  • Additional volume will be now properly deleted from the server if the size value in the corresponding configurable option is changed to zero - case #320
  • Fixed problem that could result in a 500 error when generating selected configurable options - case #316
  • Eliminated "TypeError: count(): Argument #1 ($value) must be of type Countable|array" that could occur when running cron on PHP 8.1 - case #321
  • Collecting data on the Hetzner outgoing traffic which can be then displayed in the server information box and in the WHMCS bandwidth usage statistics - case #289
  • Option to increase the additional volume size of a server during the WHMCS "Change Package" and "Upgrade/Downgrade" actions - case #302
  • Rebranded module name from "Hetzner VPS For WHMCS" to "Hetzner Cloud Servers For WHMCS"
  • The password details field will be now automatically refreshed after the password has been changed - case #306
  • Eliminated problem with missing ID numbers of an Image in the generated configurable options - case #284
  • Other minor code corrections
  • WHMCS V8.7 support
  • Select the server information fields that will be displayed in the client area
  • A default subnet will be now automatically created when adding a network
  • Created backups can now be deleted directly in the client area
  • Added bulk deletion action in the "Networks", "Subnets", "Routes", and "Resources" sections
  • Related networks and firewalls will be now automatically removed from the Hetzner panel upon server termination
  • Messages informing about an exceeded number of firewall rules can now be translated in the language file
  • Support for WHMCS V8.3 and previous
  • Support for PHP 7.3 version
  • Minor code corrections and language adjustments


Released: Nov 7th, 2022
  • WHMCS V8.6 support
  • Support for PHP 8.1 version
  • Requires ionCube Loader V12 or later
  • Support for WHMCS V8.2 and previous
  • Support for PHP 7.2 version
  • Eliminated problem with loading the "Upgrade/Downgrade" popup window in the admin area view caused by the "Uncaught: TypeError" - case #269
  • Fixed issues that caused the Hetzner console not to be displayed in a new window after opening it - case #274
  • Corrected colocation from the "utf8_general_ci" to the "utf8_unicode_ci" for the "CronTasks" database table - case #277