Added product name to error validation notice on service order when provided credentials are invalid - case #1122
Support for WHMCS V8.8 and previous
Bug Fix
Corrected single sign-on (SSO) API query to WordPress when using the WP Toolkit integration on cPanel or Plesk - case #1116
Solved case that could prevent obtaining "Installation Scripts" for the Softaculous integration - case #118
Fixed "getAdminUser() must be of the type array, string returned" error that might have occurred when changing WordPress admin password - case #1121
Fixed issue where selecting a language other than English was not properly set for new WordPress installation when using WP Toolkit integration - case #1123, #1124
Corrected search results in Product Settings in the addon module - case #1125
Fixed problem with incorrect FTP password validation when editing "Instance Image" configurations - case #1126
Added missing language entries for assorted access control resource names in the admin area and specific sidebar sections in the client area - case #1115, #1129
Updated DirectAdmin API endpoint to make it compatible with version 1.671 and newer
The "Change Domain" action will now instantly enable SSL mode if available - case #896
Performing specific actions on the instance will now trigger an automatic refresh of the installations list - case #901
Added possibility to set the "ipServerWhmcs" parameter in the "configuration.yml" file, allowing to overwrite the server IP address returned by WHMCS - case #897
Backup notes will no longer be displayed for WP Toolkit integration, as they are not supported by that API
The cache will now be automatically refreshed after activating the instance theme
Updated code for cPanel/WHM integration - if in use, it is highly recommended to upgrade your cPanel with the "uploadToWHM" directory and running their installation script file again after performing the module upgrade
Corrected specific synchronization issue with Softaculous on cPanel server - case #859
Search for WordPress installations will no longer return all instances if the searching phrase is not found - case #900
Eliminated problem with an invalid "Installed Path" when adding an "Instance Image" that was already created in DirectAdmin - case #898
"Installations Scripts" will no longer be searched for once the WP Toolkit integration is enabled - case #903
Corrected various connection issues with Plesk integration - case #904
Fixed problem with searching for installations by their URLs on the "Extended View" - case #905
Solved issue with the "Call to a member function get() on array in /(...)/Traits/Fields.php:141" error that could occur when adding or editing an instance image - case #906
Eliminated error in the synchronization cron job that could occur after switching API integrations
Added validation for missing characters in the user creation fields
Other minor code corrections, language and UI improvements
Integration with WP Toolkit for Plesk Note: Refer to our Wiki to see the differences between features supported by Softaculous and WP Toolkit
Implemented language overrides support, enabling the utilization of customized translations
Added "Setup" switcher in the product settings to choose whether to allow clients to access this section (WP Toolkit only)
The option to change the domain name will not be allowed in the case of main domains - case #889
Support for WHMCS V8.5 and previous
Resolved issue where the module incorrectly loaded the Symfony vendor from Report Generator For WHMCS instead of using the module's own vendor - case #834
Eliminated "Call to undefined method" error that could occur while attempting to use auto-login to the WordPress control panel on DirectAdmin installations - case #872
Resolved issue where the "Instance Image" button was inaccessible in the extended view when all instance images were set to private - case #891
Corrected "Push To Live" option for staging instances that could cause critical errors - case #883
Eliminated conflict error that could prevent module access from the client area - case #859