Additional corrections related to invoice export where its tax could be wrongly rounded up to 0.01 amount difference - case #392
Changing the tax amount in the QuickBooks panel will no longer break the associated item relation in WHMCS - case #393
Eliminated "Invalid tax rate id" error that could occur when trying to export an invoice where one of the items is taxed and the other is not - case #395
Prevented potential TypeError that might have occurred when using "Create Invoice" functionality on the WHMCS V8.6 - case #381
Fixed an exception error that might have shown up on certain WHMCS instances with PHP 8.1 when trying to activate the addon module - case #382
Eliminated "Argument #2 ($haystack) must be of type array" error that might have been displayed when trying to add the payment, when the "Fee Gateways" option was not previously configured - case #384
Resolved problem with logging the "Declaration of Symfony (...)" error entries every 30 minutes in the activity report - case #385
Custom Rules - assign WHMCS invoices to specific QuickBooks services based on the rules of the found items - case #286
Gateway Fee Account - define the relation between WHMCS transaction fees and QuickBooks deposit account - case #240
Choose whether to shorten transaction IDs by cutting the first or the last characters of the string accordingly - case #249
Tax type configuration will be now automatically set based on the WHMCS tax settings
Access token validity will be now automatically refreshed
Deprecated "--refreshAccessToken" parameter for cron configuration
Support for WHMCS V7.9 and previous
Adjusted pagination that might have caused issues with loading the list of items to export and log records - case #280
Eliminated issue where invoice due date was not properly passed to QuickBooks - case #281
Resolved problems with establishing the connection if the server was using SSL - case #282
Eliminated "Duplicate Name Exists Error The name supplied already exists" message that might have shown up on WHMCS V8.1
A message about incorrect "zero tax" configuration has been hidden if that was not used in QuickBooks - case #238
Fixed issue that might have caused "Integrity constraint violation: (...) for key 'qb_payment_id'" error - case #287
Solved case that might have caused "Business Validation Error: Transaction detail has tax rate, but corresponding tax or net amount is missing" error - case #288
Corrected code to prevent "Required param missing, need to supply the required value for the API Required parameter TxnTaxDetail.TaxLineDetail.TaxLine.TaxRateRef is missing in the request" error when exporting invoices - case #289
Eliminated a large number of warnings generated into the "tblerrorlog" database table