Adjusted placement of the passwords window in the Support Tickets section - case #368
Fixed cases when the password was not displayed in the Support Tickets if the client was not previously allowed to share the access details - case #369
Eliminated the "Declaration of Symfony" exception errors that might have occurred when trying to access the addon module or running the cron job - case #370, #372
Fixed problem that might occurred when the client was not assigned by default while adding the password details directly from the client profile - case #348
Resolved issues with empty owned password details in the edit form if its deletion permissions were disabled - case #351
Corrected problem with certain language strings not being translated for admin and client area (note: some entries might require re-translations due to variable changes) - case #352, #356
Solved case with the "Log In" action button that displayed the "Page not found" error instead of redirecting to the provided URL address - case #355
The module will no longer cause problems with the "Get EPP Code" module command which was executed twice - case #359
Eliminated problem with assigning clients in the password "Sharing" section when adding the new access details from the ticket view - case #363