Client's geolocation detection - automatically switch the language and currency according to the customer's location - case #330
Choose to display zero prices with "Free" expression or as a "0.00" numerical representation that corresponds with the currency format - case #584
Option to hide zero prices from the configurable options and product addons
Option to hide the "IP Address Box" with secure environment information from the order form - case #1034, #1223
Option to choose whether to permanently hide the currency selector from the order or hide it when only a single currency is available - case #965
Hide hostname and nameservers fields for initial server configuration for all products or selected product groups - case #1241
Select any custom color of the configurable suboption fields displayed in the order form - case #1063
Select the optional billing details fields that should be hidden in the order form
Searching the domain in the standard WHMCS field will now automatically redirect the client to the order form for that domain and its configuration - case #246
Included new graphics for "360 Monitoring" and "NordVPN" MarketConnect products
Sorting by columns and searching by ID options added in the "Orders" section of the addon module
Adjusted look of the configurable option when it is set as a quantity type with the unlimited amount to enter - case #1204
Optimized performance for executing various actions within the module - case #784
The custom client fields marked as required will be now shown despite the lack of selection to show them in the order form
"Starting from" price label will be now correctly included if the product contains additional pricing from the configurable options
Corrected handling of the domain fields' translations from the custom domain registrars - case #841
Empty product section will be no longer displayed if its product group was marked as hidden
The promotion code field will now be shown only on the second step instead of the first one in the "Two Steps" order form
Domain searching is now possible if no products were created in WHMCS
Corrected displaying the price of a discounted domain after changing its billing cycle
Fixed missing "Domain Registrant Information" field in the "Two Steps" order form - case #1274
Solved problem where the "Additional Notes" field might not be displayed for the single product addon orders or domain renewals
Resolved problems with displaying properly discounted prices after changing the currency
Corrected wrapping of the order completion elements on mobile devices - case #1283
Fixed problem that could prevent using owned domains in the order form along with the installed Discount Center For WHMCS module - case #1282
Solved issue where the "null" word could be added for provided subdomains - case #1277
Domain renewal URL sent from the email template notice will be now properly redirected to the order form - case #1276
It will now be possible to use subdomains if the "Shown Domain TLDs Dropdown" option is enabled
Added missing CVV/CVC2 field for the Converge payment gateway - case #1270
Fixed issue where an invalid price could be displayed for a free domain to transfer - case #1298
Solved issues where optional domain fields could be displayed as required
Fixed problem with the order completion if the credit card payment method was used along with credits from the balance - case #1290
Added missing "quantity included" information when displaying the metrics billing pricing window
Added missing validation for using owned domains
Solved validation problem where the "Confirm Password" field was incorrectly marked as invalid after using the "Generate Password" button - case #1295
Assorted corrections related to displaying discounted prices from the Discount Center For WHMCS module
Eliminated issue with fraud detection wrongly flagging orders as potential risks
Additional pricing fixes related to switching between currencies
Certain code adjustments related to searching and configuring the domains and subdomains
Users with no order permission will be now correctly marked in the order form
Various adjustments related to displaying currencies in their proper format
Domain registration will be now possible if the price for the "One Year" billing cycle was not set
Fixed case where hidden configurable options could be still shown in the order form - case #1301
Validation will no longer prevent the use of plus ("+") in the email address - case #1268
Solved problem with invalid character encoding cutting off the text in "Additional Notes" - case #1258
Added missing translation entries into the language file - case #1158
Resolved issue with missing contacts when choosing the alternative domain registrant - case #1237
Many other code refactoring and corrections along with language and UI adjustments
Lagom One Step Order Form For WHMCS v1.1.2 - Released: Oct 24th, 2022 NEW FEATURE
The option to display the "(required)" label next to the obligatory product custom fields - case #937
Displayed validation errors for empty fields will now disappear after the required text is entered
Eliminated errors that appeared when switching the currency for a product that has no related pricing configured - case #923
The currency format, incorrectly displayed with the product, has been fixed - case #924, #942
Adjusted notice for domain configuration that is required for the selected product
Corrected display of the addon module on the "Lara" and "Blend" admin theme - case #905, #935
Resolved case of the broken configurable options dropdowns - case #907
Fixed issues that prevented ordering domains on the "Two Step" form layout
Fixed incorrect display of the price for a given billing cycle when the promo code was used directly from the URL - case #931
Total amount, including taxes or gateway charges, will now be correctly calculated after the promo code has been used - case #936
TLD extensions will be correctly selected in the domain configuration in case the lower featured domains are activated at the same time as the domain extension selector - case #946
Assorted adjustments related to the display of crossed-out prices when using promo codes or billing cycle discounts - case #955
The "Quantity" configurable option type sliders can now be adjusted using - / + buttons and by entering a desired value manually - case #652
Assorted UI adjustments for the right-to-left (RTL) languages
Additional code corrections related to product URL redirection and friendly URL types - case #704, #705
Fixed cases of the entered additional domain fields being cleared every few milliseconds for the logged in users - case #694
Further adjustments related to the "Domain Configuration" field that was not always properly displayed after refreshing the products list - case #668, #681
Solved issue with displaying invalid pricing for a domain transfer that should be offered for free - case #669
Supplementary fixes to updated URL address along with the selected product changes made on the order form - case #619
Resolved problem with the product redirection using a direct URL if the "/store/" instead of the "/order/" path was used in the link address - case #469, #687
Further adjustments related to problems with domain searching in certain cases - case #707
Using the browser "back" button will now properly bring the user to the previous step of the order - #689
Fixed issue with domain validation when ordering a product with a domain as a guest and then logging into an existing account - case #712, #719
Additional adjustments related to scrolling indication of the fields validation
Swapped positions of country, state, and city fields in the account details to represent their order better - case #589
Additional linking fixes related to using products, domains, and promo codes for direct shopping URL addresses - case #523, #579, #580
Corrected bug that might have caused the provided domains to register not being searched for
Fixed problem with setting the tax level per specified state in the order summary for not logged in clients - case #540
Resolved problem that might have caused invalid redirection to a generated invoice when PayPal payment gateway is used
Eliminated issue with free of charge domains that could have been displayed as paid in the order summary - case #587
Corrected issue where the client was redirected to the domain register tab instead of the renewal one after using the domain renewal button - case #534
The "end" word that could be displayed in the "States" dropdown list for selected countries no longer appears - case #591
Adjusted display of the "Generate Password" window the position of which could be misplaced in the case of custom client themes - case #545
Resolved problem that might have caused the "Hide VAT" field functionality not to work - case #541
Newsletter subscription checkbox will be now accordingly selected based on the "Require User Opt-In" WHMCS general settings - case #581
Fixed domain search validation when the second-level (SLD) domain extension has been provided - case #583
Solved cases when the product addons were not available for order - case #578
Hide the "VAT Number" client field for selected countries - case #541
Decide whether the currency switcher on the order page shall be visible or not when just one currency is active in the system - case #542
Added possibility to localize the credit card expiry date placeholder for payment gateways that support default WHMCS fields (excluded Stripe) - case #556
The provided domain name format will be now validated instantly - case #549
Added support for HTML links used in the product description - case #509
Additional adjustments to the auto-scrolling to indicate which of the required fields has not been appropriately fulfilled - case #531, #536
Resolved problem of the "level 2" tax amount not being displayed in the order summary - case #540
Additional corrections in specific payment gateways redirection - case #470
Eliminated problem where a product addon could be automatically added to the cart without clicking on it - case #552
CAPTCHA authentication will no longer be displayed every time the client enters a new domain name to search - case #538
Fixed problem with the "Phone Number" dropdown coloring in certain Lagom Client Theme layouts - case #533
Solved cases when the auto-generated account password could differ from the one in the confirmation field - case #423, #568
Corrected support for the "yes/no" and the "dropdown" configurable option types when using direct product URLs - case #503
Minor corrections in the specified currency formats and suffixes that could result in the item pricing being cut off or improperly formatted - case #547, #553, #562
Fixed specific problems with proceeding with an order when items were added to cart by a not logged in client who then tried to sign in using an existing account - case #562
Fixed product direct linking with multiple attributes specified in the address for certain "Friendly URLs" redirection - case #529
Solved problem with disappearing client details if these were typed into the fields too quickly - case #565
Added missing WHMCS "Easy Translation" support for product addons descriptions and custom fields - case #528
Resolved issue with disabled module redirection when WHMCS "Friendly Full Rewrite" URLs mode is used - case #550
Fixed problem that occurred when PayPal payment gateway was selected to complete the payment for the order - case #560